The most intelligent way to oversee a customer’s experience with your business is to utilize a customer journey map template. Modern companies understand the benefits of journey mapping: Esteban Kolsky's research found that 34% of companies are now implementing customer journey maps.
By using this customer journey map in Process Street, the map itself appears in a concise, step-by-step checklist form — something which visual journey maps such as charts do not offer. Going step-by-step, stage-by-stage, and phase-by-phase, you can follow the process down to the minute detail.
Are you ready to create a fun, fast, and faultless customer journey map?
It’s time for discovery.
The customer persona:
Before jumping into the customer journey itself, it's pivotal to clearly define the customer persona. The next section includes tasks to help you create that persona.
This customer journey map template makes use of variables. Variables pull the data you put in certain task fields, so the data can appear and be viewed again later. To learn more about variables, we've written an easy-to-read guide.
Add basic customer details
Add basic customer persona details below.
The first step of creating a customer persona is giving them a name, among other basic details, such as an email, website, and location.
Include their demographic
Include details about the customer persona's demographic.
Demographic plays a huge role in marketing: solidifying what kind of demographic a company wants to target is essential for finding the right customers.
Apply a line of work
Apply a line of work to your customer persona.
By giving the customer persona a job sector and job title, you can further define the customer base you're looking to attract.
Note down their goals
Note down a list of goals for your customer persona.
Listing down the goals of your customer persona can help you make those goals a reality. A goal for this persona might be to store information of all their users in one place. If you're a CRM provider, for instance, think about how you can help them achieve their goals.
Analyze collated persona information
Analyze the collated information and edit as necessary in the text field.
All the information you put in regarding the persona can be read below. Read through it to ensure that it matches the customer persona and customer base you want to target.
Persona overview
Field of work:
Job title:
Their goals:
The customer's journey:
Now that the customer persona has been clearly defined, it's time to dive into the customer journey itself. It begins at initial acknowledgment, and moves through the whole process until the end - the post-adoption stage.
If you're on the Business Pro plan, you can make use of role assignments during the customer journey.
Seeing as you might need input from somebody on the marketing or customer service team, assign a specific task to them to complete, using the 'assign' button. Learn more about this useful feature here.
Initial acknowledgment:
In this phase, the customer is not yet a consumer of the product - and maybe not of any other similar products, either.
Consider their initial thoughts
Consider the customer's initial thoughts after noticing your product for the first time.
Put yourself in the shoes of the persona you've created.
What are their initial thoughts after seeing your product or service for the first time?
Will they think their goals could be met with it?
Would they think of other competitors first?
Contemplate their next steps
Contemplate the steps the persona would take after initial acknowledgment.
The persona you've created will take steps after acknowledging your product or service. The steps could be as simple as pressing the 'back' button off your website, or finding your contact page to start a conversation.
Formulate idea for customer service interaction
Formulate ideas on how your customer service team can engage with the customer.
Seeing as the customer isn't yet a consumer in this phase, the options are slightly limited. Think of non-intrusive ways that the customer service team could trigger interest.
For instance, would a real-time chat widget on your website be a useful form of engagement?
What about a welcome message?
Engagement is when the customer starts playing an active role in the process. They're consciously interested enough in the product or service to start interacting with the brand themselves.
Think of this persona's thoughts
Think of and write down this persona's thoughts during the engagement phase.
The customer persona is interested. They're debating their choices and thinking of their options. Think about what's going through their mind during this stage.
Gauge the persona's following actions
Gauge what the persona will do during the engagement phase.
They're engaging with your brand, product, or service, but within this engagement, there's a myriad of actions. They could be conducting online information searches, or visiting your billing section, for example.
Write down your findings after gauging their actions.
Plan direct interaction from the customer service team
Plan direct interaction from the customer service team by using the text field below.
Make the most of the persona's interest by interacting with them - this is where the customer service team comes in. Think about the best way to communicate and attract this type of persona either with emails, phone calls, video calls, IMs, DMs, or letters.
For inspiration, why not check out our free customer success guide eBook? Read The Complete Guide to Customer Success for SaaS Companies now.
The persona has now adopted the product or service, making it a new part of their work or personal life. This isn't the final step, however: adoption does not mean retention.
Outline customer's thoughts
Outline the customer's thoughts during the adoption phase.
Adoption merely means the product or service is being used - it doesn't mean it'll be used by the persona forever. Think of the thoughts that may be running through the persona's head at this point in their journey.
Assume customer's next actions
Assume the actions that will be taken during the adoption stage.
During adoption, the persona will be using your service or testing your product, ensuring that it's a good fit for their field of work. Assume specific actions that this persona will carry out, then note those actions in the text field.
Create action plan(s) for customer service interaction
Create action plan(s) for the customer service team to interact with the customer.
Customer service interaction can help the customer on their journey. During this stage, the team can help alleviate any pain points, and bolster the positives. Create a plan of action(s) for the service team; a list of statements or questions, and when to say or ask them.
The post-adoption phase is also known as the consumption phase: the time in which the persona is heavily interacting with the business, maybe even on a daily basis.
To keep a customer a customer (as opposed to a past user) the persona needs to be assisted, supported, and engaged with. Therefore, the next tasks focus on retention.
Consider ways to help customer post-adoption
Consider multiple ways in which you can help, assist, and support the customer post-adoption.
The post-adoption stage is as crucial as all the stages before it. By considering ways your business and customer service team can help the customer pre-emptively, the more likely the customer in question will bond with the business.
Plan post-adoption interaction
Plan a post-adoption interaction schedule.
There's a fine line between spamming the customer and ignoring them. Plan a post-adoption interaction schedule for the customer so that the customer persona feels appreciated, rather than feeling bogged down incessant interaction. While noting down the schedule, also mention the mediums in which the interaction will take place, e.g. email.
Assign the map to directors:
Assigning certain users to tasks is a great way to get their insight. Here, you'll be assigning both the customer service director and the director to get their feedback on the completed persona and their journey.
To read more on task assignments and assigning others, read more via our guide here.
Assign map to a customer service director
Assign the completed map to a customer service director.
Seeing as a customer journey map is at the intersection of marketing and customer service, have your customer service director assigned to the checklist so they can examine the map.
If they have any comments or suggestions, they can be made in the comment section below.
Persona and their journey
Field of work:
Job title:
Their goals:
Initial acknowledgment
Thoughts during acknowledgment:
Steps during acknowledgment:
Interaction during acknowledgment phase:
Thoughts during engagement:
Actions during engagement:
Interaction during engagement phase:
Thoughts during adoption:
Actions during adoption:
Interaction during adoption phase:
Interaction during post-adoption:
Help during post-adoption:
Simply use the Members form field below to assign the customer service director to approve the customer journey map.
Check out our Knowledge Base for more information on the approvals feature.
Assign map to a marketing director
Assign a marketing director to the checklist to review the map.
Both a customer service director and marketing director should inspect the map before it is edited and completed, seeing as their teams are both involved with its creation.
If the marketing director has any comments or suggestions, they can make them in the comment section below.
Persona and their journey
Field of work:
Job title:
Their goals:
Initial acknowledgment
Thoughts during acknowledgment:
Steps during acknowledgment:
Interaction during acknowledgment phase:
Thoughts during engagement:
Actions during engagement:
Interaction during engagement phase:
Thoughts during adoption:
Actions during adoption:
Interaction during adoption phase:
Interaction during post-adoption:
Help during post-adoption:
Using the Members form field below, assign the marketing director to approve the customer journey map.
Check out our Knowledge Base for more information on the approvals feature.
Approval: Customer journey map (customer service director)
Assign map to a customer service directorWill be submitted
Approval: Customer journey map (marketing director)
Assign map to a marketing directorWill be submitted
Customer overview:
After careful consideration of who the customer is, what they want, why they think the way they do, and how they would go about product/service adoption, you've constructed a clear portrait of the persona. You've also established actionable steps for your company to attract and retain the customer.
Now it's time to take the journey yourself and make any last changes to the persona before exporting the data.
Take the journey yourself
Imagine yourself as the customer persona and note down any findings.
The best way to ensure the journey map concept is solid is by taking the journey yourself. Retrace your steps and look at the initial answers you gave. Do they fit? Do the actions make sense? Think from the persona's P.O.V.
For any notes, comments, or additions you'd like to make, write them down in the text box underneath.
Analyze the persona and their journey
Analyze the overall persona and their journey.
Now that the journey's been completed and it has resulted in retention from your customer, it's time to analyze the overall persona and their entire journey to ensure they answers you've given are the best fit.
Look for ways to improve the persona's journey, and if additional steps or interactions could be added, use the redrafting box below to make those edits.
Persona and their journey
Field of work:
Job title:
Their goals:
Initial acknowledgment
Thoughts during acknowledgment:
Steps during acknowledgment:
Interaction during acknowledgment phase:
Thoughts during engagement:
Actions during engagement:
Interaction during engagement phase:
Thoughts during adoption:
Actions during adoption:
Interaction during adoption phase:
Interaction during post-adoption:
Help during post-adoption:
Your additional notes
Export journey map data
Export the journey map data.
Exporting the customer journey map template data means that the raw data can be stored and used again later, or backed-up in another place for record-keeping.
Checklists can be exported as CSV documents, PDFs, or they can be printed. For more information about the process of exportation, here's our useful Export and Print Checklists guide.
- Vala Afshar - 50 Important Customer Experience Stats for Business Leaders
- Nextiva - 100 Essential Customer Service Statistics and Trends for 2019
- Geoffrey Keating - Customer retention strategies: 5 best practices & 6 strategies for low churn
- Geoff Fripp - Main phases of a customer journey map
- Matt Clymer - Here’s How to Build a Customer Adoption Journey that Works
- Sarah Gibbons - Journey Mapping 101
- Salesforce UK - What is Customer Journey Mapping & Why is it Important?
- Allie Decker - The Ultimate Guide to Training for Customer Service & Support
- Kim Kosaka - Customer Lifecycle Marketing: The Complete Guide
- Process Street - The Complete Guide to Customer Success for SaaS Companies
The post Customer Journey Map Template first appeared on Process Street.